Boris Yeltsin

The First President of Russia

Russian “Father” of the Yeltsin Democracy Fellowship Program



To the participants of the Conference

devoted to the completion of the

« Yeltsin Democracy Fellowship Program »


I welcome the participants of the conference devoted to the completion of the  « Canadian program  « Yeltsin Democracy Fellowship ».

In 1992 together with Prime Minister of Canada Bryan Mulroney we created the program for training Russian experts which became one of examples of successful and effective Russian-Canadian cooperation. For ten years more than 600 representatives of public structures, not-governmental organizations and the private companies of our country have visited Canada.

The program helped Russian professionals to receive new knowledge and experience, to get acquainted with modern approaches in resolution of economic and social problems.


I wish successes to the participants of the conference the «Canadian Program «Yeltsin Democracy Fellowship», a sound health and all the best.





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